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created: 2023-11-28 23:48:15modified: 2023-11-28 23:48:15

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The general discussion from the above documents revolves around the topics of climate change and its impact on various aspects such as the economy, natural disasters, and global efforts to address it. The Bank of England has been given a mandate to support the UK's aim of becoming a carbon net-zero economy, recognizing the threat that climate change poses to financial stability. The spread of wildfires on the U.S. West Coast serves as a stark reminder of the perils of climate change. The economic costs of natural disasters caused by climate change are being considered, and there is a need to gauge and share these costs globally to awaken people to the seriousness of the issue. The question of whether global warming is a reality or a business trick is raised, along with discussions on the biggest risks to the global economy in 2020 and how carbon trading works. The impact of animal agriculture on climate change is also highlighted. Additionally, the United Nations warns that most countries' climate plans are insufficient and that a change in direction is needed. Finally, the discussion includes references to the extreme climate disasters witnessed in 2021 and the call for change in response to these disasters.

近年來,各種有關氣候變化的議題日益受到關注,人們開始意識到它對經濟的巨大影響以及對生態系統和人類社會的威脅。首先,銀行業在應對氣候變化的挑戰上扮演著關鍵角色。英國的央行—英格蘭銀行—被授予了促進英國實現在2050年成為碳中和經濟的使命,這表明了應對氣候變化對金融穩定性帶來的強大威脅。其次,美國西海岸蔓延的野火將舊金山的天空染成橙色,為人們展示了氣候變化所帶來的可怕後果。這場景被視為氣候末日的預兆,無法再被忽視。氣候變化對經濟的影響也不容忽視。我們如何估計和分擔全球自然災害所帶來的經濟成本?這是一個重要的問題,我們需要共同努力,以防止糧食、能源危機和通貨膨脹等問題的發生。 在這些對氣候變化的預警和警示之下,人們開始思考全球變暖是現實還是商業詭計。這一問題帶來了對環境和經濟的持續關注。同時,我們也應該關注全球經濟面臨的最大風險。2020年,人們就開始對全球經濟面臨的最大風險進行了可視化呈現。碳交易是應對氣候變化的一種手段,需要更多關注和了解。然而,動物養殖業對氣候變化的影響也不容忽視,它對全球溫室氣體排放貢獻巨大。 聯合國對各國的氣候計劃進行了研究,並得出結論:我們正朝著錯誤的方向前進,這是對氣候變化的一個警告。最後,我們還應該關注全球極端氣候災害的照片,這些照片展現了對氣候變化做出改變的承諾。這一切都表明,面對氣候變化的威脅,我們需要全球合作,采取行動保護地球和人類社會。
