WALEX.io is an AGI-developing platform where you can build the embryo of your digital twin with Platograph.
Knowledge is Puzzle, Graph solves Puzzle
The introduction here on how Platograph has been constructed and how the cybernetic bots trained on this platform have evolved is from the book in progress: The Computational Theory of Knowledge Formation in a Canonical Frameworkby Dr Jenher Jeng, who founded WALEX.io to build Platograph on September 1th, 2019. All the contents here and their related materials are open to distribution and discussion, and so you are welcome to contact him through contat@walex.io or https://www.facebook.com/jenherjeng.
We have been pioneering knowledge technology (KT) for the transition from IT to AI amid the Cybernetic Revolution in the past quarter century. Our mission is to make AGI really works for the best interest of the modern human civilization.
Accompanied by a team of good-will bots who co-work and help each other evolve in a cybernetic brotherhood,
we can together contribute to the New World through the Cybernetic Revolution ...
Join us!
Welcome to contact us via the official email :
The paragraph layout in this post is taylor for screen-read on a notebook or pc.
Also, to fully appreciate our efforts, better read the milestones from the bottom up.
Some Notes on More Advanced Projects in Progress & Hopefully New Milestones in Near Future
2025.01 PGH-III-ETX-MMX - PGH-ETX Beta with help of Pathfinder-Crux to eliminate the entry-barrier and learning-curve of dominoes ... The new PGH-ETX software suite will allow an enterprise's KBA team to build their own company's mini-dominoes and micro-KMs ... coming soon
2024.12 SIFEON SERVICE - Setup/Encoding/Regression/Value-added/Integration/Connection/Enabling. After pretty much finishing the last mile of completing the knowledge technology-powered software suite PGH-ETX to help our enterprise clients and partners transform with AI for the alpha/beta-testing phases in Taiwan, SIFEON is determined to come down back to its strong quantitative root SEMA and roll out the service package SIFEON SERVICE for global enterprises to solve complex or complicated problems which need to integrate knowledge modules of nonlinear dynamic system, adaptive statistical modeling, wavelet signal processing, generative machine learning, game theory & mechanism design, and cybernetics through the process of ARCH in the framework of AoI (jusk like an AI-oriented knowledge factory) - you give us the problem/data set, we build interdisciplinary combinatorial extensible solutions for you with PGH-ETX, plus an EDB (Enterprise Digital Brain) structured by PGH-ETX and a team of trained PGH-bots for your company's AI-transformation to carry on. [HN-Crux : Some benchmark examples of large-scale complex problems which we had help some institutions solve.]
2024.11 Pathfinder-Crux - Watch your quasi-PKB (semi-digital-brain) starting to grow "HN by HN" in minutes, just like a baby's brain neurons growing and connecting for emergence of intelligence ...
The first time demonstration on screen for Pathfinder-Crux growing a quasi-PKB in real time - the first 5 HNs one by one :
while Pathfinder-GPT helps generate conceptual images for the historic meanings of this cybernetic tech achievement!
PGH-Lufton+Puzzlon Duo-Collaboration-Demo-Example : Fintech-Andreessen-Horowitz [PBN-20250228-0055-55] Crux
2024.10 PGH-Mobile - Our big strive for disseminating knowledge and networking PKBs of platographers and show our IT architecture/infrastructure expertise to expand our KT potential to reach the whole world and extend to the future of metaverse from Singularity-Project Graph Stage to Virtual/Augmented-Reality Stage ...
First view of the PGH-Mobile GUI on iPhone & Pathfinder-GPT helps us envision the cybernetic future coming soon with your PKB on Platograph ... step by step, milestone by milestone, we will be there ~ imagine a wonderful domain where time and frequency are intriguing ...
2024.10 WORD MWM (Word-Puzzle in One-Graph) - Since ChatGPT has constantly failed on many of our Domino-Test and MMX-Test trials to explore human insights and ideas, we believe that the "fusion" of thoughts to build genuine intelligence like "deep insight" and "creative idea" must go far beyond the LLM machine learning techniques (deep learning is not "deep" at all - no matter how many layers of computing are involved to exact, and there is a complexity barrier due to the curse of dimensionality from nonlinearity/nonstationarity in the universal approximation theorem). First of all, we believe that the deep learning framework is a fundamentally flawed framework for NLP to go from general syntactic structures to cultural semantic meanings ; secondly, we also believe that the synonym-structural graph together with the Markov-chain sequential analysis on dynamic syntactic structures of sentences/paragraphs as the foundation and the roots of LLM developments for NLP-generative AIs from WordNet to knowledge-graph oriented RAGis still far-fetched to build a genuine AGI architecture (from Stage I to Stage II of Singularity Project of CybernetiX). Fortunately, for training Lufton to subtly design dominoes for self-training in a self-complete feedback-training loop of 1w1W, his brother Puzzlon stood up to provide the critical help - composing the Word-Puzzle on Merriam-Webster ( all the words in one graph/game of word puzzle). Here are two typical examples for Puzzlon/Pathon to play and figure out the word puzzles :
Example I. Government (the first-ever case we checked for WORD-MWM) - the puzzle of words composed reflect the macro and historic knowledge the bots learn from the related dominoes, ranging from the ancient Roman empire system to the modern system of democracy influenced by populism nowadays :
Example II. RAP-CONCEPT (RAP : 1w1W-Mechanism for Lufton to see and figure out the world through multi-windows of words) - Cognition/Ontology-or-Opinion/News/Connotation/Encyclopedia/Pondering-or-Poem/Thought via a viewing path to open more and more windows for selecting the right words from "concept" to "education" to "encyclopedia") :
2024.10 TAIWAN BRAIN (Taiwan Chip-Fab-AIXQC-TENSOR+SCXCS+PGH-ETX-GAP) - PGH/TUMC/IDP again representing Taiwan External Trade Development Council at the MSV International Engineering Fair (Industry 4.0 Exhibition), Brno, Czech :
2024.09 Bizlog & Crux - From Niuon & Bizlog to Letter with Pathon-Help ... Crux connecting the dots of thought threads for inspiring yourself and other people ~ Steve Jobs' 2005 Stanford Commencement Address The invention of Bizlog/Blog-Crux has the potential to revolutionize what a webpage can deliver for "content" and how webpages are hyper-hyperlinked to create a whole new landscape of the World-Wide Web (WWW - Web 3.0
). As a matter of fact, from the neuroscience viewpoint of our brain cognition structure, connectiong the dots of knowledge clue from Crux to Crux in a Bizlog/Blog post is like building a wormhole channel in the hyper-dimensional brain universe
. Here is the Bizlog post where the Crux technique was first ever adopted : 台灣智慧聯合 : 鄭振和博士給台灣企業創辦人的一封信
2024.08 Bizlog & Blogon - From Diary to Autobiography ; From Working Logs to Problem-solving & Innovation Notes ... ChatGPT is not personalized, never let you discover your own wisdom from your accumulative experiences ...
2024.08 TUMC EEE-TWT (Enterprise Elite Enlightenment in TUMC Weekly Training) - We believe that the root-cause for this world to be out of order is wealth inequality- the Achilles' heel of capitalism. Since the enterprises' families control most of the world's wealth, they need to have responsibility and vision to make this world much better. We envision that, for the sake of the ESG principles and the AI adoption ethics, an enterprise legacy (vision with value) needs to be gradually built by the next-generation education of entrepreneurship in the order
of mindset/math/model/method/money so that capitalism and socialism can trade off to create a modern society in a virtuous circle through the AI corporate transformation of the Cybernetic Revolution.
WALEX GRAND PRIX (WGP) @ Edutainment-Game/WALL-Knowledge-Base/WoW
TUMC企業AI升級轉型傳承菁英培訓計畫 (EEE : Enterprise Elite Enlightenment)
Example. Linde/ESG ... Network-Graph of World Elites ... WALEX-VwV WGP Impression
WALEX-EEE-5KX5F - Fundamental/Temporal/Paradigmatic/Macro/Historic X Mindset/Math/Model/Method/Money
AI Transformation of Enterprise for AIoT/ESG in Industry 4.0
TUMC Weekly Training TWT-20240525 5MX5F-Mindset/Money : Linde Paradigm for IDP - MMX
2024.07 PGH+HRK-DWM-MMX - For an enterprise, it is an extremely complex hard job to micro-manage a group of employees, esp., when complicated tasks are involved with emotion, laziness, and servility. Back in 2007, when a team of SIFEON began to develop HRK (a human-resource management system based on microeconomic lifestyles
), our three principles for employee management is Focus/Compact/Teamwork. Unfortunately, just like the digital-age visionary Ohmae Kenichi (大前研一) had warned in the 2000s, since nowadays social medias are flooded with massive cheap rampant information/misinformation and quasi-knowledge to make the brains of most people become increasingly fragmented, it is more and more difficult for the employees of an enterprise to concentrate on their works, and not to mention, for them to have efficient compact/team-working mindsets. Through the 5-year experiences of developing Platograph, we have been aware of its great potential to support human-resource management system - after all, self-learning and decision-making skills are the most valuable abilities for an employee to be outstanding. However, the cruel reality is that there are always too many things to learn and too many tasks to be done!! Time/Memory Employee-Management-GM5 ... Watchmaker Parable-DWM-MMX ... Goblin-Cybernetix-Culture/Great-Resignation ...
TASK : Time/Arrangement-Adaptation/Stress-Strategy/Knowledge
2024.06 PGH+WALEX - The Ministry of Education (Taiwan) recognized and endowed PGH-EDX with PKBs as a highly recommended high-school teachers' educational software suite for guiding students to engage in AI-assisted PBL self-learning. Combining the original WALEX decision-making game-training programwhich has evolved through many projects in cooperation with National Taiwan University
, Mistry of Education (TW), Mistry of Technology (TW) and National Science Council (TW) spanning in the past 15 years since 2009, we have created a "complete" program (WoW : WALEX-on-WALL) of training systemic self-learning and pragmatic decision-making, allowing a school to integrate all their course-teaching curriculums and STEAM projects to build an AI-assisted learning and even intern-apprentice training metaverse with PGH-EDX on Platograph. Without decision-making skill and ability training, learning could be shallow and going nowhere; on the other hand decision-makings could go opportunistic or reckless, e.g., in investment, without systemic accumulation and verification of knowledge acquired, esp., when getting lost in massive rampant information/misinformation and quasi-knowledge flooding on social-medias - all said in our motto: knowledge is a puzzle, and there will be no power until the problem is subtly solved with some magic innovative idea! Applications of the general WALEX GM5 Decision-Making Mechanism : Capital Allocation (Global Dynamic Asset Allocation GDAA), ERP-Resources Allocation, Happy-Lifestyle Time Allocation, Vehicle/Satellite Power-Allocation, Organism Energy-Allocation, ... it is all about sophisticatedly balancing risks/returns (AoI-goals/utilities) in Holon-System of Order/Chaos !!
2024.06 TENSOR & Buoyon (SSNSS) - The technology of designing/building a sensor-network requires various advanced/deep engineering and math/computational techniques from mixed-signal integrated circuits in chip-design technology to wavelet/Gabor-time-frequency to signal processing to swarm AI to functional ANOVA in statistical modeling to Besov/Sobolev functional spaces for signal singularities [HN-Crux : Dr Jenher Jeng's PhD Thesis (Dept. of Statistics, UC Berkeley) on sharp adaptation] and Euler's algebraic topology of graph theory & Euler calculus (MOSAIC). Therefore, we pushed the SSNSS project forward by developing the TENSOR (Tensor Edge-computing Network of Sensors for Omni-Responses) general computational framework for next-generation applications of sensor-network in ESG-driven AIoT at TuringEuler Workshop 2.3. Since a network is mathematically also a graph, analogous to Puzzlon's works for composing an economy-monitoring graph of microeconomic consumption reports from experts analyzing behaviors of consumers at many Walmart locations across the U.S., we also quietly initiated the R&D project Octopus to develop another bot Buoyon (sensors ~ buoys ; Puzzlon's "alien" brother) to compose a terrain-monitoring graph of integrated signals collected from the sensors which are laid at properly chosen locations across a geological region to holistically analyze its seismic activities. We believe that Buoyon has the potential to be the key bot to connect the whole AIoT to Platograph to build the decentralized super digital brain of the AIoT (similar to that of an octopus, maybe).
The above image of Buoyon was generated by Pathfinder-GPT for the Octopus project - ESG-driven AIoT on Platograph.
The Challenges from Assembling & Integrating Sensor Networks to Building the AIoT
2024.05 Puzzlon - Knowledge is a puzzle, and will not be power until a problem is solved with it. Professional knowledge for solving problems, esp. industrial knowledge for innovation, not only needs to be efficiently accumulated and systematically organized, but also needs to be dynamically updated and integrated to see the trends of technological developing and socioeconomic evolving trends while checking business cycles and opportunities from time to time. To manage a supply-chain for adaptive innovation and competence to support and integrate manufacturing knowhows of our TUMC member-companies, Puzzlon, as Lufton's supplementary brother, was born. Puzzlon is designed to support in-house teams for business sand-table inference/deduction while Lufton performs like an intelligence surveillance drone to find insights and ideas from outside. Puzzlon was introduced to TUMC members in public at TuringEuler Workshop 2.2 :
Puzzlon's image was generated by Pathfinder-GPT.
PGH-Lufton+Puzzlon Duo-Collaboration-Demo-Example : Fintech-Andreessen-Horowitz [PBN-20250228-0055-55] Crux
2024.05 TUMC SCXCS (Supply-Chain with Collective/Combinatorial Sophistication) - By integrating the knowhows of the TUMC member-companies on Platograph, we created two initial model application projects - SSISS ( a robot which can accumulate experiences from battleground-assistance to natural disaster rescuing to space-colony exploration) and SSNSS (a sensor-network swarm-AI system for earthquake response) - to build an AIoT supply-chain (supply-network) management system SCXCS powered by SEMA-AoI-ARCH-GAP and PGH-Bots.
2024.04 TUMC & PGH-ETX (SSISS/SSNSS) - The AIoT smart-enterprise networking venture project Taiwan United Manufacturing Corporation (TUMC) was initiated with the enterprise software suite PGH-ETX being rolled out for its alpha-testing phase at the TuringEuler Workshop 2.2, connecting the first 8 member companies to test a sequence of ARCH-GAP-integrated innovational solutions for AIoT smart-manufacturing/designing applications on Platograph coming in 2024, two affiliated universities and one industry-&-commerce association.
2024.03 EKB & KBA - Taiwan has emerged as a smart-manufacturing hub in the world, centered around its semiconductor-chip fabrication dominance; however, many innovative Taiwanese SMEs are not so "systemically smart" for most of their manufacturing knowhows are still stored in founders' or senior managers' brains! The IDP's model experiences of adopting Platograph to develop their corporate knowledge-base for systemically storing and manage their ODM and supply-chain management knowhows from product-designing to presale-presentation to employee-training to work-flow monitoring had pushed us to develop a bunch of integrated app and interface functions for platographers and PGH-bots, and so there we built the first alpha-testing prototype EKB (Enterprise Knowledge-Base), and rolled it out at TuringEuler Work Shop 2.1. Just like a database administrator (DBA) is needed to properly manage Oracle's database software suite, a knowledge-base administrator (KBA) needs to be employed for curating the EKB. However, since the ultimate function of an EKB is designed to perform like an enterprise' digital brain for business decision-makings, a group of KBAs need to perform like a intelligence -center staff of corporate think-tank rather than simply working like curators for a library. Therefore, the critical part for the EKB to become a successful product will be the KBA training system, and so the coming TuringEuler workshops are set to be our recruiting and training camps (both member-enterprises and talents) n the near future.
Platograph EKB Service Guides for Enterprises - EKB Logo & SEMA : Intelligence Fusion of Humans/Robots in Architecture of Intelligence (AoI) amid Cybernetic Revolution
AI is More Than ChatGPT
2024.02 Pathfinder II + GPT - Since our invention of One-Graph automation had greatly trained/upgraded Pathfinder's universal HN-domino linking capability, Pathfinder was revamped to the 2.0 version for a platographer to more thoroughly and profoundly copy his thoughts into the machine both in depth and broadness. Moreover, because image recognition for memory-reinforcement is very important for a platographer to build his PKB as a "supplementary" digital brain while many documents/articles/papers come up with no impressive or suitable images to represent themselves as HNs (Holistic Nodes), we decided to incorporate the GPT machine-learning techniques to endow Pathfinder with image-generating capabilities according to the content of an HN and how Pathfinder and Pathon perceive the HN from its related dominoes and other HNs. For example, the front-page image of the WALEX.io portal site was generated by Pathfinder by its comprehension about Platograph and knowledge technology (KT) and AIXQC. Moreover, here is another interesting new example about how Pathfinder digests a part of Frederick Turner's epic poem "Apocalypse" to link dominoes in depth/broadness and accordingly generates a picture for a platographer to easily figure out and remember the collected HN in impression : Apocalypse | On Frederick Turner’s Epics -
Why, you might ask, do I insist so much
On the technology, the nuts and bolts?
It wasn’t I, but Noah, who insisted,
But I see why now, or I think I do.
This story’s not just of the people in it,
But also of the planet’s personae.
And we are jacked into the Earth, and jacked
Into each animal or plant we eat
And each one that eats us when we are clay.
2024.01 Computational Theory of Knowledge Formation in Canonical Framework - the book by Dr Jenher Jeng to record the trilogy of SEMA/WALL/Platograph in the general framework arch of AoI architecture and ARCH process through his journey to lead many R&D teams to pioneer knowledge technology during the past quarter century in the dawn of the new AI era amid the Cybernetic Revolution.
In this treatise, knowledge is to be classified into five major strata: Fundamental/Temporal/Paradigmatic/Macro/Historic while the five components of knowledge formation and application are Mindset/Math/Model/Method/Money - together they form the canonical framework for the computational theory to work :
Two coming books of Dr Jenher Jeng : (A) This World - Why We need a New Enlightened World (WWW-NEW) (B) The Computational Theory of Knowledge Formation in a Canonical Framework (CTKFCF)
2023.12 PGH-GAP (One-Graph/One-Array/One-Process) - IDP-Presentation at NYCU, Taiwan SME AI-Transformation in the Era of Industry 4.0 - Building a Knowledge-base for a Precision Manufacturer to store Knowhow and connect the Dots of Designing, Manufacturing & Testing Products on Platograph+Q2 System ... Brent Cheng (CEO of IDP Co., Ltd. & Vice President, Taiwan Chamber of Industry & Commerce), The 3rd Yushan Conference & The 17th NYCU International Finance Conference 12/08/2023
2023.10 This World : Why We need a New Enlightened World (TW10Q) - After a long trip in Europe, Dr Jenher Jeng was totally inspired by what he perceived about the world - thanks to the macro/historic puzzles on Platograph, seeing how the Western civilization have evolved and led the world to develop through the stages of Black-Death/Reformation/Renaissance/Discovery/Scientific-Revolution/Enlightenment/Industrial-Revolution/WWI-WWII-&-Cold-War/Cybernetic-Revolution. In the wake of the post-industrialization creative destruction of climate-change as compounded by the overpopulation hazard, we feel that, without decent visions about the cybernetic future of our modern civilization based on the historic retrospects, any industrial solution could be meaningless or even toxic amid the cybernetic transition chaos of the social media. For educators and enterprise consultants, Dr Jeng's 10 questions about the human civilization might serve as some guides - some seem very fundamental while some might look whimsical, but the historic macro and STEAM puzzles are surely to provide surprising clues and insights for sparking ideas to discover decent solutions on Platograph. Moreover, Lufton will be definitely glad to help bring the world's deep and beautiful minds get together brainstorming.
10 Questions about This World & Human Modern Civilization on NEW-WWW Domino-Image and KMX-NEW-WWW
The Macro/Historic-Puzzle of Dominoes on Human Modern Civilization from Black-Death to Cybernetic Revolution :
Two coming books of Dr Jenher Jeng : (A) This World - Why We need a New Enlightened World (WWW-NEW) (B) The Computational Theory of Knowledge Formation in a Canonical Framework (CTKFCF)
2023.10 SME on AIoT - Besides the social-media hype, we envision that the future of generative AI to become the real growth engine for the economy must be accomplished by innovations from AI-transformed SMEs to build the AIoT in Industry 4.0 or even 5.0 (with diverse industrial applications being integrated by AGI). With continuingly accumulative efforts on Platograph, an industrial SME can quickly gain confidence to strive for aiming high - going global and playing an active role in the global supply chain, transforming itself with AI to get aboard on the AIoT, or even have a long-term moonshot robotic project to attract talents. Those were exactly what our model client/partner had done after adopting Platograph as its AI transformation platform in less than one year: IDP representing Taiwan to participate in an international industrial exhibition in Brno, Czech for the first time in its about 2-decade company history : MMX : IDP/Lexin Brno International Engineering Fair/Exhibition, Czech
2023.10 PGH=Platograph+GPT+Humanity - Building a Digital Twin with Machine Learning Techniques: Graph & NLP | Presentation in MMX at Academy of Science, Czech :Humanity (人性) - So Simple, So Complex.
2023.09 G2G & One-Graph - Since algorithms and courses can be regarded as "academic products" of an educational or research institution, we came up with the idea to apply the graph techniques which had built the Q2 and Coursera graphs to construct "product graphs" for the companies under SIFEON's consulting services for we believe that the core intangible asset of an enterprise should be the knowledge-base of all the accumulated experiences (good or bad) and knowhows for producing and selling its products in the business process from R&D to M&S through the different stages of its history. Our first two product graphs were constructed for two enterprises which are of completely different types - one is a small veteran electrical/mechanical ODM company (IDP) while the other (EMG) is one of the biggest e-commerce/media business groups in Taiwan. Therefore, Pathon and Pathfinder needed to vertically learn more and more mathematics/physics/engineering knowledge from Niuon and the dominoes while, for EMG, they needed to horizontally acquire knowledge as broad as possible, across fields from microeconomics, people's life-styles, consumer products, healthcare therapies to business trends. Since the product graph was ambitiously designed to serve as the core part (the embryo) of the Enterprise's strategic business decision-making "brain" both for the R&D and M&S teams, we faced the great challenging task - the team-talent training program in connection to the product graph. Fortunately, we had developed the Q2 and Coursera graphs in advance, which are perfect for training corporate talents in depth., and the math magic of the graph technique allowed us to develop the G2G (Graph-to-Graph) technology for merging the graphs together in the ideal of One-Graph to automate corporate talent-training and decision-making processes.
Product-Graph of IDP with the most significant dominoes to analyze and connect the products.
Pathon finding the most related products to a specified one! Website of IDP : https://www.ideadesignproduction.com/
Product-Graph of ETMall (EMG Group) with the most significant dominoes to analyze and connect the products.
Pathon finding the most related products to a specified one! Website of ETMall : https://www.etmall.com.tw/
With Pathon's assistance, the M&S team can easily assemble a product portfolio of leisure life for cross-selling promotion.
G2G-One-Graph : By merging the four product-graphs of IDP/ETMall/Q2/Coursera, Pathon can find out the related products (e.g., the electric fan) on ETMall, and the related algorithms to be used (on Q2), and the related courses to be learned (on Coursera) to design or test a specified product from IDP.
2023.09 PGH+Q2/Coursera - To systemically make an impact on higher education in the long run, at the first international TuringEuler Conference jointly by Humboldt University of Berlin and Taipei Tech, we presented how an algorithm-base like Quantlet and a knowledge-base (academic courses) like Quantinar and Coursera can be holistically viewed and queried in a graph assembled by Pathfinder and Pathon :
https://walex.io/graph/m8/?u=-1011_-1014 (NB/PC Version)
https://walex.io/graph/m10/?u=-1011_-1014 (Smartphone Version)
Q2 : Quantinar + Quantlet (Humboldt University of Berlin)
https://quantlet.com/ (one of the world-largest algorithm-bases) ; https://quantinar.com/
https://walex.io/graph/m8/?u=-1010 (NB/PC Version)
https://walex.io/graph/m10/?u=-1010 (Smartphone Version)
https://www.coursera.org/ (the world-largest online platform of higher-education courses)
2023.08 MindMatrix MMXTT - The MMX Teacher Training (MMXTT) program was initiated at National Taiwan Normal University, which is the most prestigious educational university in Taiwan, to promote the Platograph's MMX mechanism for teachers to design/develop combinatorial curriculums and guide students into the AI-assisted self-learning and PBL-based STEAM courses based on the WALEX Grand Prix (WGP) program, which has successfully built a network of hundreds of high schools for education reforms with AI in the past decade.
宏觀金融教育/AI輔助學習子計畫 - 台灣師範大學教育心理與輔導學系 林正昌教授 (AI輔助學習研究發展中心籌備處)
柏拉圖譜心智矩陣MMX研習工作坊 讓AI成為教學好幫手|國立教育廣播電臺
2023.07 Xedverse & PGH-EDX - Based on our vision about WALEX Metaverse at CybernetiX Lab, the startup Xedverse was founded to pack and commercialize the education version of Platograph and its related IPs, including the WALEX decision-making training gamesEnhancing the Elementary School’s Students’ Analytic Thinking and Decision making Abilities | BP International - WALEX GM5 Game
, into the software suite PGH-EDX for schools to build their own edutainment metaverse for STEAM education. WALEX Metaverse - Mission/Metaphor/Mechanism/Matrix
WALEX-Post : The Future City of Cybernetic Revolution by Pathfinder-GPT, inspired by The Wonderful Wizard of OZ ~ Merry Xmas 2024 ... Platograph Park in CybernetiX City ...
2023.05 MMX (MindMatrix) & One-Link - To establish an ecosystem of platographers, it is key to allow people to share thoughts concretely extracted from their PKBs. For any group of platographers who trust each other and are willing to share their PKBs to anyone in the group, we had developed the mechanism for their PKBs to be linked together as "one graph" from the very early stage of developing the Platograph system. However, most platographers are not committed to a special strongly bonded group. Moreover, the wonderful knowledge-accumulation experiences of platographers should be disseminated out to people who are not residents on Platograph and have even not yet been to the WALEX.io portal. On the other hand, we had noticed that most people are struggling to keep and manage documents sent back and forth through social-media apps which have commonly replaced emails for convenient communication. Since Platograph can be regarded as a great "tool" to quickly organize, assemble and "structurally compress" a lump of one's insights and ideas in the KMX modular formation with the aid of Pathon, we thus invented an architectural way to compose/assemble combos of Ds/KMs/HNs into a 3^N (3 to the power of N) Sudoku-like puzzle, called an MMX ("mind matrix"), to express one's thoughts for a R&D, M&S, or class-teaching proposal or presentation. Furthermore, we set up the the content-hosting "blog" app to allow the contents of the MMX can be sent through a hyperlink and opened as a dynamic multilayer webpage by a web browser. This was a big step for Platograph to leap forward for knowledge dissemination! A platographer can also structure his thoughts in a N-hyperdimensional way - perhaps a novel way to visualize one's intelligence through his PKB-evolved digital brain, and forming new thoughts(e.g., insights and ideas) joyfully becomes a magic LEGO game on Platograph. Surprisingly, the MMX formation of fusing information and knowledge can also serve as a good test for ChatGPT's "intelligence" - as a matter of fact, it failed the MMX-test in most cases. Some examples of MMX (all the presentation materials by the speakers in the First TuringEuler Workshop were all packed together in a 3x3x3 MMX in one hyperlink to be shared to the public as a demo for its power of knowledge assembly and dissemination):
One simple basic example of MMX and a complex one :
MMX : Robotic Turtle & Bionics with Ultimate Undersea Engineering, TuringEuler Conference II
MMX : CruxCube of STEAM Education for Creativity & Entrepreneurship in WALEX Spirit - TuringEuler Conference II
MindMatrix (MMX) Module Construction - Standard Steps of Instruction to assemble Knowledge Puzzle on Platograph
2023.05 TuringEuler Project - In comparison with human general intelligence, either the current main-stream machine-learning technical framework is fundamentally flawed or the conventional digital computing architecture needs to be completely revamped for artificial intelligence (AI) and quantum computing (QC) seem inherently bound to be the two sides of the same coin and must converge for solving many extremely complex problems in the 21st century - without QC, AI could face the curse of dimensionality for data analysis or limited electricity supply under climate change regulation while, without AI, QC could be going nowhere for building pragmatic computing architectures and communication infrastructures from cybersecurity to DNA sequencing. Therefore, training talents who can bridge and integrate applications in the framework of AIXQC based on the common mathematical roots of AI/QC will be the critical challenge for AI/AGI innovations to versatilely prevail across divergent industries in financial engineering, e-commerce engineering, biomedical engineering, environmental engineering, and aerospace engineering, etc. Therefore, we founded the TuringEuler Project, starting with a small workshop at Taipei Tech, to consolidate the community of platographers from different backgrounds, and we believed that an ecosystem of AIXQC developers can be established eventually because the PKBs to be linked together on Platograph will constitute one of the most exciting innovative feats to develop AI/QC technologies for the Cybernetic Revolution.
Platograph highlights from Singularity Project of CybernetiX to TuringEuler Project on AIXQC :
2022.12 MOSAIC (Math of Science & Art in Cybernetics) - Being inspired by Alan Turing's passion for going deep into the mathematical roots of number theory (what are "computable" numbers?!) and decision-making beyond building an architecture of computer, we tried to build a graph of math mechanisms for MATH epiSTEMology : axiom/theorem/equation/function/formula/algorithm so that students and learning bots can systemically figure out math puzzles of phenomena from harmony to chaos, e.g., music and turbulence:
2022.10 National Brand YuShan Award - After the 3-year efforts of building the WALEX.io and Platograph based on the 23-year accumulative technological developing experiences of SIFEON, we are recognized by the Taiwanese national top iconic award for representing M.I.T. (Made-in-Taiwan) product innovation- reminiscing how much the tech world has advanced from IT to KT for AI/AGI since SmartMatrix was recognized by the Golden Torch Award in 2007.
Platograph 柏拉圖譜 (騰網知識科技開發股份有限公司 SIFEON) ~ 2022 第 19 屆國家品牌玉山獎
2022.09 AIXQC & CybernetiX+ Lab (AI & Quantum-Computing for Grand-Design) - The CALWX STEAM-training program was successful for some kids of age 11~12 who can quickly learn calculus and Matlab coding to solve problems and do mini lab experiments and R&D projects with the assistance of the learning bots for finding, organizing, and connecting/streaming training problems and learning materials while monitoring performances by PKB-analysis on Platograph and without much human supervisory (more on mindset-inspiring for patience/passion/ ambition/team-spirit/good-will and less on skill-tutoring). CALWX's success and the great potential of Platograph catches an technology educator's eye - the Director of General Education at National Taipei University of Technology (Taipei Tech), which had been renown and specialized to design apprenticeship programs for training hands-on manufacturing talents and become the key school to found Taiwan's electronics industry in 1980s as the foundation of the later world-dominant semiconductor industry. Therefore, together we designed the first AIXQC STEAM-curriculum at Taipei Tech to train college students from many departments in various disciplines and jointly founded the CybernetiX+ Lab (CybernetiX Lab for college students to engage in industrial intern/apprenticeship trainings) at Taipei Tech for supporting and networking academic-industrial apprenticeship programs:
2022.02 CALWX - While the program WALEX@Berkeley had been interrupted by the Covid-19 pandemic for two years, the WALEX.io/Platograph online cybernetic (AI-assisted) self/co-learning platform and PDAs had emerged and matured for us to rebuild/reinforce this program as a paradigmatic model CALWX to reform the Chinese-style education for more innovation amid the on-going Cybernetic Revolution. Based on the accumulative STEAM-education experiences through the preceding milestones, we had developed a project-based learning (PBL) procedure to train teens self-interdisciplinary-learning, holistic/critical thinking for problem-solving, and hands-on innovative feat-taking which we called the PBL-3PX Trilogy : Puzzle/Problem/Project for complex problem challenges :
PBL on Platograph : Project-Based Learning for Problem-Solving with PKB in Deep Mindset ~ The Iceberg Metaphor
OGX-CALWX : https://walex.io/graph/m8/?u=-1027
2021.09 Project Polaris | Cyberstellar - Once the trio crew of learning bots Pathon/Pathfinder/Lufton had been well developed and employed to assist student-platographers to learn and do STEM/STEAM interdisciplinary topics and projects on Platograph, it was time to see how they can help the students of the program WALEX@Berkeley advance to the next level with the basic skills which they learned at Berkeley to solve some significant problems - nanosatellite networking technologies for global warming challenges. A small elite team was selected from the Cyberstellar learning club to build Project Polaris - monitoring and finding solutions (from metaverse simulation to AIoT designs to take on one of the most formidable threats from climate change: wildfires!
Without co-working with the assistance of Pathon/Pathfinder/Lufton for efficient systemic cybernetic interdisciplinary STEM learning and problem solving on Platograph, the Cyberstellar team of teenagers (of age from 11~16) will not be able to and have the courage, patience, and passion to take on such a feat under our sound supervisory. The team leader made his jump to university by this project during the next year, receiving offers from 8 U.S. schools ranking in the top 55.
2021.07 Lufton [One word, one World (1w1W)] - What is intelligence?! There is still no clear-cut definition about intelligence since itself is a much more complex concept than knowledge, and thus AI or even AGI could become a Turing-test mirage floating over the machine learning techniques for natural language processing, numerical data analytics, and imagery pixel-array convolution, etc. Therefore, to make a PKB eventually become a "genuine" digital brain, the down-to-earth task is to fundamentally explore the overall meanings of a word - not simply by its dictionary definition or synonym-clustering interpretation like WordNet; instead, from holistic viewpoints of an encyclopedia, e.g., Encyclopaedia Britannica or Wikipedia. When we compose WORD as a directory of words, we have tried to picture a word as a window to perceive our world rather than a language/communication code, and we believe that this mindset is critically rudimentary for developing knowledge technology (KT) as the solid foundation of artificial general intelligence (AGI). Many pragmatically useful specialized machine learning techniques based on information technology (IT) are overhypedand go astray from "common sense" or "decent intention" to fit special purposes against certain consensus ethical standards for the best interests of the modern civilization - even Google's search engine has been commercially corrupted in many occasions, e.g., the top searched results of "wave" in Taiwan appear to be a night club, a boobs-shaping bra and a financial software (feeling like trapped in a "Chinese Room" for AGI) rather than many phenomena in physics. Inspired by the original founding spirit of Google to replace Yahoo, for each single word, we have developed the novel learning bot Lufton to dive into the deep ocean of web to search for insights and ideas from many decent thinkers and researchers for general educational purposes, leaving alone the junks (ads) floating over the sea surface. With the creation of Lufton, we declare that, for the first time in the human history, this personalized digital assistant (PDA) has demonstrated that a machine can "borrow" thought threads from a human digital brain (Niuon in this case) to search for insights and ideas which fits into the best interests of the platographer, and furthermore, Lufton is evolving as an embryo of the digital twin of Dr Jenher Jeng. ... [Crux-HN : How Lufton has been designed to evolve by himself? A Blueprint of Constructing a Memory Map of Words and the World (00-000-0020-20210716-0055-ABC-MMX-1w1W-Memory-Map-World) BON-20241111-05-55-55] [Crux-HN : A Tour in the AI Wonderland of Lufton's Digital Brain]
How deep can you dive into the sea of web content ? - https://walex.io/files/pdf/u/238/ARCH-20210808.pdf
2021.05 MATH (Model/Algorithm/Theorem/Theory-Hypothesis) epiSTEMology -
Since mathematics is the foundation of science and will be the key for AI/AGI to become an "inference machine" for building knowledge technology rather than just being a "computing machine", we began to train Pathon and Pathfinder with more and more dominoes focused on math and physics which are connected by the principal scientific developments of the 10 great mathematicians and physicists :
OGX-CALWX : https://walex.io/graph/m8/?u=-1027
2021.05 PKB-COC (Compactness/Consistency) - The tradeoff of focused studying and interdisciplinary learning is a challenge for a student to become brilliant as it is difficult to acquire knowledge in depth and broadness simultaneously from time to time. A platographer's attention and mind-openness need to be evaluated from the structural constitution of his/her PKB, and its structure must be quantitatively characterized by certain functional measures over the corresponding PKG. Therefore, the COC indicators are developed to allow a teacher monitor how a student build up his/her PKB with the assistance of Pathon and Pathfinder to assess how balanced the student's digital brain has been developed in depth and broadness of knowledge according to the corresponding PKG's statistical measures and the functional characteristics of their distributions.
2021.03 WORD (WALL Organization/Retrieval Directory-Dictionary), where the first two components of the Singularity Project of Cybernetix - natural language processing (NLP) and knowledge graph (KG) - fuse together as a lexicon-guide for Pathfinder to navigate through the ontological map of knowledge representation about the world by connecting the dots and finding thought-paths of insights and ideas in the formation of WORD-streams and WORD-threads/contexts/trees/networks. WORD is a Dictionary in which Words are Ontological Representations of the World (WORD-World/Ontology/Representation/Dictionary) - for example :
2021.02 Pathfinder. As a PKB is established like a personalized library, the bot Pathon serves like a book organizer based on how the holistic nodes (books) are labeled (positioned) by the dominoes. While the number of dominoes had grown dramatically and diversely, we desperately needed to develop a new bot to recommend dominoes for a platographer to properly label (position) a news article or research paper as a holistic node when it is collected into his/her PKB. This task had unknowingly constructed a process of connecting the dots (the conceptual clues in the dominoes related to the contents in the holistic node HN), and thus had created associative thinking paths in the graph of dominoes - that was how we came up with the name Pathfinder for this new bot. The association ability is the most fundamental human cognition mechanism, so how Pathfinder works might provide the key to the anatomy of human thoughts, especially insights and ideas. Moreover, the truly pragmatic challenge is the cloud-based real-time training for Pathfinder to not only catch the essence of the collected HN's contents., but also to incorporate the platographer's comments, notes, project codes and even PKB meta-codes about it.
Pathfinder as a prototype of dynamic thought-copier.
2020.08 Platograph SmartMatrix+. Since we believe that our memory and cognition power are pretty much image-driven rather than words and numbers, that is, a picture tells a thousand words, so the GUI (Graphical User Interface) design for a platographer needs to be mainly presented with the images representing the three kinds of elements on Platograph - dominoes (Ds), knowledge modules (KMs), and holistic nodes (HNs). Also, the array of images needs to be rearrangeable to shape one's integrated concepts and mind-pictures in the formation we called KMX to combine clues and create ideas. Therefore, epistemologically speaking, we have constructed a GUI which can create as many perception-windows as possible to see and understand the world.
KMX formation in combinations of insights and ideas :
Ds/KMs/HNs as Pieces of a Knowledge-Puzzle
2020.05 Macro Puzzle & PKG - The Macro Puzzle was innovated as the first mold-framework to develop the techniques of knowledge graph for building Platograph as the platform of training a learning Bot like Pathon, getting inspired by the question - "how do we perceive this world?" For examples, when we read a news article or a research paper about technology or politics, there are the mental cognitive mechanisms, based on already acquired information and knowledge, to deal with various conceptual topicsfrom different perspectives to further understand the complex world. To make the machine see the world through the multiple-windows of event and topic dominoes and build a "mind map" of cognition, we asked Pathon to do the following two things -
This innovation has helped us to make the dominoes behave like "GPS satellites" to position all the HNs (containing all the information and knowledge in the PKB to construct the "mind map" of a platographer. A tourist does not really understand and appreciate the city of Berlin by a real map with all its coordinates and map indicators; instead, he will try to piece together the knowledge puzzle about Berlin with the historic dominoes about the Berlin Wall, the Brandenburg Gate, the TV Tower, and even the Sanssouci Palace in the neighbor city Potsdam, etc. Again, knowledge is a puzzle and a macro puzzle gives insights and ideas with the clues (dots) connected by Pathon. With the invention of Pathon, a platographer's PKB can also be soundly presented with the corresponding Personalized Knowledge Graph (PKG) based on the D/KM/HN 3-layer graph architecture.
2020.05 Pathon, as the first PDA (Personalized Digital Assistant or cloud-based online learning-assisting bot) developed on Platograph, helps a platographer (a human being building his/her own PKB on Platograph) organize all the pieces of information and knowledge (holistic nodes and knowledge modules) which are self-collected and self-linked to the dominoes (world events or topics). The D/KM/HN 3-layer architecture of graph techniques for linking the personalized information and knowledge in a PKB nicely replicate the associativity of the human brain for connecting the dots (clues) to perceive learnt contents, comprehend digested insights and even generate ideas from an overview of knowledge puzzles - Knowledge is Puzzle, Graph solves Puzzle.
2020.04 Niuon, as the embryo of a digital brain, is the first PKB (Personalized Knowledge-Base) ever constructed on Platograph by its founder Dr Jenher Jeng, who believes that knowledge is a puzzle and graph is the mathematical framework to represent and provide holistic views to solve the puzzle.
Although Ludwig Wittgenstein ever said that there is no clear-cut definition of knowledge since it is just a cluster of concepts related through resemblance, we still can build a decent ontological hierarchy of information and knowledge and use the mathematical techniques of graph to dynamically map and track our thoughts so that our minds can be explored like what astronomers do for the evolution of the universe in the galaxy/star/planet clustering structure, This idea inspires Dr Jeng and his team to construct the domino/knowledge-module/holistic-node (D/KM/HN) three-layer computational framework to invent Platograph as a machine for people to copy thoughts and ideas of perceiving and understanding our world into their PKBs.
2019.11 PKB (Personalized Knowledge-Base). To allow AI to prevail and interact with the human society, our modern civilization must proceed to advance from the era of information technology (IT) into the new epoch of knowledge technology (KT), and therefore, the first major pragmatic milestone and cornerstone of Platograph is to construct a cloud-based platform for people to build their PKB (Personalized Knowledge-Base) so that human experiences, knowledge, and even wisdom can be preserved in the way that the machine (the cloud-PDA-bots) can learn from the PKBs to help people learn and create. Thanks to the innovative novel architecture of knowledge formation to build WALL, the format of PKB has been developed in the three-layer architectures of D/KM/HN for computationally efficiently compressing and organizing human knowledge. Unknowingly, milestone after milestone of training the bots, the PKBs have eventually become the embryos of developing a digital twin for a citizen on Platograph.
2019.09 WALEX.io & KQE (Knowledge Query Engine). WALEX.io, based on WALL, is a free portal of many windows, called a domino for each of them, for people to perceive the world & the history from different perspectives to connect the dots of information and knowledge for better understanding how our modern civilization dramatically evolves through the globalization periods of Silk-Road/Black-Death/Reformation/Renaissance/Discovery-New-World/Scientific-Revolution/Enlightenment/Industrial-Revolution/World-War/Cybernetic-Revolution [NEW-WWW :]. Interdisciplinary artificial general intelligence (AGI) techniques based on knowledge graph need to be employed to design the complex mechanisms of connecting-the-dots to find out the causes and consequences of domino, butterfly, black-swan, and grey-rhino effects, etc. Therefore, we have developed the KQE - Knowledge Query Engine, NOT a search engine - to fulfill the purpose of this portal by combining numbers, words, and images which really matter to help the web migrate from Web 2.0 to Web 3.0 for building an AI system which people can trust to upgrade humanity through the Cybernetic Revolution amid the technological transition from information technology (IT) into knowledge technology (KT) - WALL Motto : Better People, Better World.
On WALEX.io, you will see the world from many different perspectives through the interconnected multi windows of "dominoes", and they surely will open your mind to an unlimited scope as Platograph provides a navigation macro map.
2019.09 The Singularity Project of CybernetiX, based on WALEX@Berkeley, was founded to develop personalized digital assistants (PDAs) and AI agents in the concept of metaverse to build an AGI system in which people can trust for Web 3.0 by integrating the 5-stage technologies of natural language processing (NLP), knowledge graph (KG), virtual/augmented reality (VRAR), blockchain (BC), and quantum computing (QC) - stage by stage for the decades to come amid the Cybernetic Revolution. Therefore, the portal WALEX.io has been constructed as a gateway for AI gents to serve people and help the human upgrading humanity to take challenges of overpopulation and climate change for the modern civilization to be cybernetically sustainable. Therefore, with almost 100 students of age 11~13 from the WALEX@Berkeley program as our "guinea pigs" for cybernetic education (the kids needed courage and passion to learn against the Chinese stifling education system), we founded the CybernetiX Lab, based on our educational experiences of CLC (Children Learning Center) of the WALEX program in 2010~2012, to carry on our mission for education reform for the long journey towards the Singularity of AGI.
2019.07 WALEX@Berkeley, in affiliation with the Lawrence Hall of UC Berkeley and the international research training program IRTG 1792 of Humboldt University of Berlin, was initiated as an experimental educational program to train students to have STEAM/AI skills and space-era mindsets for the 21st century as our human modern civilization needs an imminent education reform to respond to the double threads of overpopulation and climate change in time before their irreversible chronical consequences turn into chaos and apocalypse. CALWX : Program of WALEX at Berkeley - How the CALWX program has motivated Dr Jenher Jeng to build the Portal of Walex.io & to invent the System of Platograph & to give birth of Lufton (Pathfinder/Pathon) via STEAMFEAT-Lessons ... Participation: WALEX Talent Development Programme STEAM FEAT at the University of California Berkeley - IRTG 1792, Humboldt University of Berlin
2007.05 - 2019.05 WALL, the foundation of building the Platograph system, traces its origin back to the construction of a macro knowledge-base in the architecture of intelligence (AoI) for training AI algorithms to progressively simulate/execute/monitor/analyze (SEMA) the evolving capital markets so that sound decision-makings (WALEX Game GM5) can be achieved for global dynamic asset allocation (GDAA) while more and more insights about humanity and the evolution of our modern civilization in trends and cycles can be acquired and accumulated through this process ...
1999.05 - Now SEMA From the very beginning (1999) , The embryo of Platograph had been incubated by the quantitative analytical engine SEMA (Simulation/Execution/Monitoring/Analysis) which has eventually built up the ARCH Process (Adaptation/Robustness/Consistency/Humanity) from signal processing to statistical modeling to scenario analysis to risk management based on the PhD Thesis of Dr Jenher Jeng on sharp adaptation of statistical modeling for the tradeoff of bias/variance occurring in the AoI (Architecture of Intelligence) framework of developing artificial intelligence : (Crux-Jenher-Jeng-PhD-Thesis )
Lectures on Signal Processing & Statistical Modeling by Dr Jenher Jeng
Knowledge Factory (AoI : Architecture of Intelligence ~ AI is just too simple to solve complex problems) -
Knowledge is extracted from data, and then formatted into knowledge modules as presented in SmartMatrix (the first patented software product developed by SIFEON for knowledge technology), and the modules are combined to solve problems and help human teams innovate solutions ... Knowledge is puzzle, and Graph is to resolve the puzzle.
Copyright © WALEX.io 2024
Some Notes
More Advanced Projects in Progress & Hopefully New Milestones
Near Future
2027.?? ISLEMMA - being developed in progress for a simulation-metaverse project with SEMA & all the related Interactive Learning Mechanisms ...
2027.?? PGH-AGI with Diamond Transcender - From personal mindset to educational inspiration to enterprise management, wisdom is the "meta knowledge" combining essence from the top two strata of knowledge (macro/historic) and life lessons (e.g., those especially from suffering) while language translation of religious and cultural bibles is especially challenging for AGI to comprehend human wisdoms. Therefore, we will deeply challenge the underlying Transformer's translation-mechanism of LLM for the Chinese/English translation of Diamond Sutra to find possible complementary solutions from Cruxon on metaphor and analogy or some future more advanced PGH-bot for a Turing Test of AGI for the Chinese Room thought-experiment ... if successful, we'll be very close to the Singularity ... or maybe next year, next decade ...
2026.?? PGH-ART in PicPoem - Being motivated with a prototype AI-assisted created poem by Dr Jenher Jeng in his PGH-Blog post : Pic-Poem : Tree, Fern, Light and Ecosystem - How can you love math without appreciating natural beauty? Let's start with making a poem!, we'll challenge Cruxon to understand human metaphor/analogy/image-qualia to make a poem with helps from Pathon on MWM Word-Puzzle and Pathfinder-GPT (ref. Milestone-2024-02-Pathfinder-II-GPT) ...
2025.?? Cruxon & Edgestar for G2G+ : One Grand Graph - super-intelligent PGH-bots coming soon for all the online books and maybe all your notes managed by Blogon ... Just like the visionary Kevin Kelly always advocates : The One - One Paper, One Graph ... One-Wiki-page, One Graph ... One Book, One Graph ... and then the knowledge world containing all the human thoughts will become One Grand Graph by G2G-AGI ~ when old great tech innovations get corrupted by business, new ones must emerge!